Sunday, February 3, 2013


I am so sorry
that I am so much smaller
than most

so much weaker
so much less than

I would be the largest
the all-encompasing 
if I could
but I get tired and I am bored
and boring.

I am sorry for that.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Eccentric orbits
the distance between stars
sing to me
a single tune
to last eternity.

try to hold but lose
the beat

The universe
bursting full
of its own combustions

let me dive in
to the burning center

rather than this cooling

some lights are not stars
but reflections
eyes don't create light
but seek it

I am only ice
lights in a mirror
revolving, elliptical

Sol's hot compositions
keep frenetic pace

I am swung further out,
farther out
I swing

my fingers burn and slip
my chest spins
small planetoid
not enough for a name

the galaxy is a gypsy camp
burning its riches
reckless as only the impoverished
know how.

I am worse than that
a lit match may singe
my fingers
but no fires burn here
no sad songs warm the night