Monday, May 24, 2010

Conversations About Failure

Only if we don't try,
or perhaps try for the wrong thing
when we try too hard,
or become too
assume too much,
feel entitled
due to age
or hours invested.
When we lose sight of the goal
or we leave the blinders on,
or fall off the wagon.
Doors can close, but so can
unless you find yourself in a high-rise
with windows that neither open nor close
but then there's usually a fire escape.
We can't change others or
their perceptions
only our own actions
though my mother will tell you
people never change
your DNA
is written on your forehead
in each blond/brown/red/black/albinic
Work only for yourself
but don't forget those
who've helped along the way,
beat your own path
but clearly state all influences
in your footnotes,
preferably in MLA format
though CMS is acceptable.
Invest in the community
but stay independent.
Don't rely on others for
what you can very well do for yourself.
Love and family are the most important
but don't become needy.
Those that love you
always have your best interests at heart
and a sympathetic ear
but don't over burden them
with your troubles
and watch your back.
A fool and his money and all those
half remembered parables.
Stiff upper lip
and pull yourself up by your bootstraps
and if at first it doesn't work
out as expected, try, try, try

or try something else.

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